• Dsc02403-edit
  • 213005 04 n208
  • 213005 04 n301 high
  • 213005 04 n307


Astana Congress Center

Astana Congress Center

Completed for Expo 2017 in Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan, Astana Congress Center was inspired by the fluid movements of the Golden Eagle or a “bürkit,” which is portrayed on the national flag of Kazakhstan. The structure’s tapered edges and sleek sweeping form also minimizes the scale and surface area of the building, reducing construction costs.Download Project PDF

The center’s futuristic design features a state-of-the-art 3000 person auditorium, exhibition spaces, sponsor presentation areas, secure VIP and VVIP areas, associated press rooms, supporting offices’, and a dedicated parking garage. The center hosted significant events during the Astana International Exposition in 2017 and remains a cultural attraction in athe post-expo Legacy District, Astana International Financial Center (AIFC).

The center’s main entrance is accessed by the southeast plaza. Visitors enter via a two-story atrium with required security checkpoints. World leaders to Astana and Kazakhstan attended the 2017 exposition, therefore significant security measures were implemented into the design. The entry atrium is accessible via two parking shuttles from the lower level. Beyond the entry points, a large three-story atrium with a skylight is the main access to the auditorium and exhibition halls and floods the large space with natural indirect daylight.

The auditorium is accessed at multiple points on levels 1, 2, and 3. A main cross aisle in the middle of the auditorium is located at the level 1 elevation, with the seating rake descending toward the stage and ascending toward the rear of the space. The rear of the auditorium is located at the same elevation as level 2. A balcony level is accessible via level 3. Above the architectural treatment of the auditorium, various catwalks, and riggings support the lighting, audio, and visual systems. Behind the stage, a double-glazed wall system provides natural daylight and acoustic separation from the public spaces beyond the auditorium.   

The interior walls and ceiling of the auditorium are sourced from custom-curved and -stained sustainably harvested wood in a medium to light tone and are slatted as necessary for acoustic control. Custom curved panels are perforated for integration of acoustic control, necessary production equipment and fixtures, as well as a controlled mounting location for data and signage. As necessary, the frame and edges of the wall are durable stainless steel.  All mechanical systems are fully isolated in locations from ceiling. The stage is designed as a sculpted mass solid surface with wood floors.

The garage and lower level are built at the existing grade with a floor height of six meters. The garage is accessed by two ramps from the plaza above; one is a two-way public ramp and the other is a private VVIP ramp. The lower level also has direct connection to the adjacent hotel via two driving lanes and one pedestrian path. A separate VIP entry is provided from the northwest to allow quick access to the main green room of the auditorium.
