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Wuhan Bridgehead CBD

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AS+GG prepared a growth plan for the 90 hectares of land known as the Wuhan Bridgehead Central Business District. A parametric design model was developed to test and optimize plan scenarios throughout the design process. 

Flooding is a major issue in Wuhan, therefore the plan was developed with Chinese “Sponge City” goals to manage stormwater on site. In contrast to the Sponge City baseline of 60% on site management, AS+GG’s plan manages 90% of stormwater on site while returning 10% of naturally filtered and cleansed stormwater to the Yangtze River Basin. This is achieved through a series of stormwater capture and reuse strategies at the building and parcel levels, in addition to the implementation of new techniques for stormwater capture and reuse on public streets and open spaces.

Major goals:

-Establish a World-Class Corporate Business District
-Maximize Value of Riverfront Location
-Locate Highest Density Adjacent to Public Transit
-Create a Memorable Skyline from Land, Rail, and Water
-Manage 90% of Stormwater On Site
-Connect People to the Yangtze Riverfront
-Increase Green Space and Balance Biodiversity
-Reduce Energy and Water Demand
-Reduce Embodied Carbon and Emissions

Wuhan Land Use and Urban Spatial Planning and Research Center (WLSP)


The Chicago Athenaeum, Green Good Design Award, Green Urban Planning, Wuhan Bridgehead CBD